Looking forward to CCARS10 this Weekend!

33 new caches were hidden for this weekend’s Calgary Cache and Release Summer 2010 event and there are four events to round out the weekend’s activities. We’re teaming up with Sears Tower and van der Decken, our usual CCARS companions, beginning with GC2BVWD, the kick-off event.
One-third of the hides are of the "unknown" variety, so we were all busy solving puzzles today. Another three are multi-caches. Most of the caches are in the north part of Calgary or even north of Calgary (but within the event boundaries), so Sears Tower will be putting lots of km on his cachemobile before we’re through.
We’ll try to take lots of photos and post a couple of entries here over the course of the weekend. If we find them all, we might even break 250 finds year-to-date for 2010!!

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