Frosted Flowers

I popped outside late yesterday morning, just before the sun came around to melt the frost and cause the flowers to wilt to the ground…


Purple cone flower

Arizona blanket flower

2 thoughts on “Frosted Flowers

  1. Thank you for the follow! I had to look up what geocaching was on wikipedia. It sounds really fun and interesting. Perhaps you should have a more explicit definition of geocaching on a separate page so that ignorant people like myself don’t have to go searching other sites for it. It would also be nice to be able to “like” that page to thank you for educating us. “High-tech treasure hunting” was a little vague for me, but also provacative. I would definitely click on and like a page that explained it.
    Happy and fruitful travels!

    1. Thanks so much for the suggestions (and the follow). My husband recently suggested I look at making sure our blog is “mobile-friendly”, so I have a couple of homework assignments now! 🙂

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