Another Night Photography Excursion

The evening of the seventh day of our Christmas break, we headed outside after dark, camera equipment in hand, for another attempt at night photography. We headed to a slightly different location than Christmas night, one that still offered a great view of the Three Sisters.

Once again, Mr. GeoK aimed his camera towards the Three Sisters. A strange, yellow-orange glow to the east caught my attention (probably light pollution, possibly from Calgary), so I opted to photograph that.

The orange glow to the northeast provided gentle back lighting for a stand of evergreens.

Then I carefully set things up for another series of photographs, hoping to compile a second star trail photograph. My camera was tripod mounted and the tripod was thrust into the deep snow to keep it steady. My old iPhone was fully charged, ready to run the @Triggertrap app. I made several test photographs, fine-tuning the composition. Then I started a sequence of 40 exposures of 25 seconds each.

It was only once the sequence finished and I went to take a second photograph of the backlit trees that I discovered I’d somehow accidentally switched off manual focus to auto-focus and the auto-focus was – unfortunately – out of focus! I was not a happy photographer!

At least the colour of the light pollution had changed enough that I was happy to turn my attention to making another photograph of the evergreens. I imagine this might be kind of how they would look with the Northern Lights shining behind them.

Mr. GeoK came away with better star trail results this time. As he likes to remind me, it’s all about the learning!

This image was created by stacking about 30 exposures of about 20 seconds each. It's clear from the truncated star trails that we need to plan for longer series.
This image was created by stacking about 30 exposures of about 20 seconds each. It’s clear from the truncated star trails that we need to plan for longer series.

I took one last photo as I waited for Mr. GeoK to finish up. He was moving around a fair bit, so he looks a bit like a restless spirit!

Haunted Bridge

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