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Photo Blogging Challenge – Vibrant (April 2016)


My first thought on learning April’s theme? This should be easy! Photograph five colourful things and it’s done. My second thought? Don’t push the vibrance and saturation sliders way to the right! After consulting the dictionary and spending another few days pondering, I concluded that vibrant doesn’t have to mean colourful, so I put together a pretty wide-ranging set of photos to interpret the theme vibrant.

1. Lively Thoughts – My head was filled with all kinds of off-colour language when I stepped on K’s glasses and broke the frames. So even though this photograph is pretty monochrome, the memories it represents are blue (for the bad language), pumpkin (for the self-control that kept me from speaking all the swears bouncing around in my brain) and red (for the spike in blood pressure that I’m sure I experienced). Don’t get me started on why someone would leave their glasses on the floor (it’s a long but unbelievably logical story). Anyhow, the glasses were only about three months old so were still covered by the one year “whatever the reason” warranty on the frames. They were replaced at no charge, which means everything turned out sunshine yellow!

2. Vigorous Growth – We visited Grandma and Grandpa GeoK a few times month. One weekend, Grandma GeoK asked me to bring along my camera to photograph her orchid. She’s definitely figured out the right mix of fertilizer, sunshine and water to keep her orchid plant growing vigorously. The flowers are a glamorous fuchsia colour. I was particularly impressed by this one stem with seven buds on it, ranging from barely formed to ready to open in a few more days.
3. Early Harvest – My rhubarb in a pot is grew like crazy this month! For the first time ever, I harvested a half dozen stalks in April and have a good start on a large-sized freezer bag of chopped rhubarb. Once it’s full, there should be enough for a strawberry-rhubarb pie.
4. Bright Blue Sky – I love the bright blue sky that seems to epitomize spring. This photo is from the very beginning of April, before the ice came off the ponds and small lakes in the Bow Valley. And for those of you who think you recognize mountain, you’re probably right (it’s Mount Rundle).
5. Superb Sunset – I waited almost all month for a vibrant sunset. By the 25th of April I still hadn’t enjoyed a spectacular evening sky and was starting to consider other possibilities for my fifth photograph. But Mother Nature finally cooperated on the 27th. I took the screen out of our bedroom window and propped by camera lens on the frame to hold it steady for this one.

That’s it from me this month. There’s a lot of room for different interpretations this month, so I’m looking forward to do a little blog-hopping via the link up over on A ‘lil Hoohaa.I like to treat this photo blogging challenge as a month-long photo assignment, which makes it pretty low stress. New participants are welcome to join the photo blogging challenge any time. Why not join us? The May theme will be posted at A ‘lil Hoohaa tomorrow.

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