smiley face in snow

Nearby Nature Project: 2022 January

In 2022, I'm relaunching a monthly feature: Nearby Nature Project. Articles will focus on nearby nature, such as planter pots, gardens, yards, neighbourhood and nearby parks/trails. Each story will include at least one link to an interesting article or research study, YouTube, podcast, nature-related app, book, course or other materials. And I'll share a nearby nature subject that caught my attention over the past month.

white-crowned sparrow


What is happiness? Is being happy a stand-alone goal? A by-product of crafting a purposeful life with a strong social network? An impossible dream? This Photo Blogging Challenge post dives into some of the habits and practices I use to tune into happiness.


Photo Blogging Challenge – Your World (April 2020)

To a greater or lesser degree, COVID-19 has triggered change for pretty much everyone. Since we've been working (and working out) from home for well over 10 years now, we're coping with fewer changes to our world than many people are: mostly lower level challenges, like figuring out how to order groceries for pick-up when then next pick-up window is 10 days to 2 weeks out, how best to support elderly neighbours and extended family members, adjusting to virtual choir rehearsals and wondering what the 2020 hiking/biking season will look like.


Photo Blogging Challenge – Colour Makes the World Go Round! (April 2019)

While our planet's daily rotation on its roughly north-south axis and its annual trip around the sun are not brought to you by the colour red (or green, or blue, or any other colour for that matter). But, colour sure has a big influence on our daily loves - our moods, what we eat, how …

Continue reading Photo Blogging Challenge – Colour Makes the World Go Round! (April 2019)