woman walking down blossom-strewn sidewalk with two other women carrying umbrellas beside

Out and About in Buenos Aires

Our travel schedule allowed just a a few half days and one full day in Buenos Aires. We spent most of that time out and about in the Recoletta neighbourhood. But we did explore a few other central areas, thanks to a rooftop photography tour. We came away convinced we should include a return visit to BA if/when we finally decide to plan a trip to the Patagonia region and/or Atacama Desert.

number 11 on a broken plastic stand laying on the ground


Eleven is an interesting number for many reasons. Eleven is also how many years the Photo Blogging Challenge has been running! My heartfelt appreciation to host PJ, for continuing to organize and host the PBC. And congratulations to all my fellow bloggers, whether you've been part of the journey from the beginning or joined in along the way.